TrackCC can be used for grading in multiple ways:
A. To keep track of daily points earned for homework, quizzes, exams etc.
B. To keep track of cumulative points per grading item per period
C. To assign grades for homework, quizzes and exams
D. To calculate overall grade for the period for each student
A. How to keep track of points earned
Once you have added your students, you can customize the grading items for your class:
1. Tap “Grading”
2. Tap the “Customize” toolbar icon
3. Edit the grading items, as appropriate
- You can edit the text of the default grading items
- You can have any number of grading items per class
- The grading items can vary from class to class
- Note that each grading item will be associated with a date
- So there’s no need to define grading items labeled as Quiz #1, Quiz #2, etc.
Once you have customized your grading items, you can do the daily grading:
4. You can assign points in two different views:
- Tap the “Student view” toolbar button to assign points for an individual student
- Tap the “Grading view” toolbar button to assign points for the whole class
5. In “Grading view”, tap the grading item to assign points
- By default, the date shown is today’s date
- You can tap the date at the top to choose a different date
- You can add an optional description to identify the assignment
- Enter max points possible for the grading item
- You can enter the points at one decimal accuracy (e.g. 88.4)
- A student can earn more than max points (e.g. bonus for extra effort)
6. In “Student view”, tap the student to assign points
- By default, the date shown is today’s date
- You can tap the date at the top to choose a different date
- The max points are assigned on the far right of each grading item
- You only need to set the max points once, and they are copied to all students
- Fill in the points only for the grading items for that day, leave others blank
- You can add optional student notes that are visible to the student & parent if access granted
7. View grading item scores as points or percentages
- You can toggle the toolbar button “View points” / “View percentages”
- The percentage is calculated as 100 * (points / max points)
- Example: 18 / 20 points in a pop quiz will be shown as 90%
B. How to keep track of cumulative points
The system automatically keeps track of cumulative points that are viewable via “Statistics".
1. You can customize the statistics view by adding “Periods”
- Add as many periods as you like (no limit)
- Each period can have any start date and end date
- Periods can overlap
- Examples: September, October, November, December, Fall semester, School year 2017-2018
2. Tap the “Statistics” toolbar button to view grading statistics by period
- If no periods are defined, the statistics will be for all dates for the given school year
- If you’ve added periods, you can view the statistics by period
- When viewing points, the assigned points and max points are added cumulatively together
- When viewing percentages, each daily score is first calculated as a percentage, then averaged together
- Alternatively, you can change statistics percentages calculation to be based on cumulative points / max points:
- Tap the “Settings” toolbar icon
- Choose from one of two options:
- Statistics percentage = Average of daily percentage
- Statistics percentage = 100 * (Cumulative points / Cumulative max points)
C. How to assign grades
To show grades for each grading item, you can define grade symbols:
1. In the “Grading” panel:
- Tap the “Grade symbols” toolbar button
- Tap the “Add symbol” toolbar button
- Add as many grade symbols as you like
- The grade symbols can be:
Numbers: e.g. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4
Letters: e.g. A, B, C, D, F
Words: e.g. Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Poor
2. Rules for defining the percentages for each symbol
- The “Min %” and “Max %” values must be entered at 0.1 accuracy
- The values must cover the entire range from 0.0 to 100.0 with no overlap
- The symbols defined to each range reflect the percentage earned for each grading item
- If a student earns more than 100%, the top grade symbol will be assigned
3. Grade symbol rules
- The symbols and the percentage ranges are the same across all classes
- You can define a more granular “Grade symbol” set than the “Overall grade symbol” set
- For example, you can define A+, A and A- as the grade symbols, but just A as the overall grade symbol
D. How to calculate overall grade
You can also calculate the overall grade for each student (across multiple grading items):
1. In the grading statistics panel:
- Tap the “Grading allocation” toolbar icon
- Define how much each grading item contributes to the overall grade
2. Grading allocation rules:
- The percentages must add up to 100%
- You can use 0.1 accuracy (e.g. 22.5%)
- A specific grading item can be set to contribute 0% (e.g. a standardized test)
3. Overall grade calculation
- The percentages will be used to “weight” the individual grading items
- The sum of the weighted percentages will yield an overall percentage
- This overall percentage is then used to set the “Overall grade symbol”
4. Example:
- A student has achieved the following for the fall semester:
- Homework = 100%
- Pop quiz = 80%
- Class exam = 90%
- Term project = 75%
- The grading allocation is set as follows:
- Homework = 20%
- Pop quiz = 25%
- Class exam = 45%
- Term project = 10%
- The overall grade symbols are defined as:
- A = 90 to 100.0%
- B = 80 to 89.9%
- C = 70 to 79.9%
- D = 60.0 to 69.9%
- F = 0.0 to 59.9%
- The overall grade will be calculated as follows:
- (0.2 * 100%) + (0.25 * 80%) + (0.45 * 90%) + (0.1 * 75%)
- Overall grade = 20% + 20% + 40.5% + 7.5% = 88%
- The student gets an overall grade of B